I recommend once you have reconfigured, or configured, a users' Dynamics GP 10 security the best thing to do is to turn on Activity Tracking.
Activity Tracking can provide basic logging of Dynamics GP security events. If a user logged in successfully, or unsuccessfully or when a user logged off. It can also track when a window was successfully opened, or when a user failed to open a window. Activity tracking can also be beneficial when a user creates, modifies, or deletes a master record or transaction, or even when a user prints a report. Finally, the tracking can tell you when a user posted a specific type of batch.
To turn on Activity Tracking go to Microsoft Dynamics GP àTools àSetupàSystemàActivity Tracking. Here select Activity Type:Access Tracking
Then Select Failed Attempts to Open a Window and Failed Attempts to Print a Report. Next select each user and what companies you want to activate the tracking for.
To view what users do not have access on it go to Inquiry àSystem àActivity Tracking. Here you can restrict the view bycompany, user, activity type and the activity. Now you can use this information to provide access to windows and reports for each user.
Keep in mind the Activity Tracking file grows very large very quickly. After updating the user' security should remove the activity tracking detail.
To remove the activity tracking detail go to Microsoft Dynamics GP àTools àUtilities àActivity Tracking Detail. Here select theActivity Type, the Activities and check the remove records box then click process.
Thanks: http://www.brittenford.com