:) Maintain this blog as a way to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing :)
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Download 002. GP_DEMO_RBI Setup.pdf for free - Ebookbrowse.com - Ebook Search & Free Ebook Downloads
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Excel 2007: "There was a problem sending the command to the program"
f you have ever tried to open an excel document and received the error that says "There was a problem sending the command to the program", you can fix it by doing the following:
- Open Excel 2007
- Open the Menu in the top left
- Click the "Excel Options" button
- Click the advanced tab on the left of the options screen
- Under the general options uncheck the box "Ignore other application that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)"
Courtesy by : Josh Davis: Business Intelligence Consultant
Sunday, January 1, 2012
การติดตามการกิจกรรมและ Dynamics GP
กิจกรรมการติดตามจำนวนแทร็คของงานใน GP ที่มีข้อมูลพื้นฐานที่เกี่ยวข้องกับผู้ที่ทำอะไรและเมื่อ นี้จะรวมอยู่ในหลัก Dynamics GP
เราจะดูที่ความสามารถในการให้บริการโดยใช้คุณลักษณะการติดตามการกิจกรรมที่รวมอยู่ในหลัก Dynamics GP ขั้นแรกให้ดูที่การติดตั้ง :
Installation -- Dynamics GP 10.0
Microsoft Dynamics™ GP
Installation Instructions
Release 10.0
Copyright Copyright © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the
rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written
permission of Microsoft Corporation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the licensee of the software
with which this document was provided may make a reasonable number of copies of this
document solely for internal use.
Trademarks Microsoft, Excel, Dexterity, Microsoft Dynamics, Outlook, PivotTable, SharePoint, Windows,
Windows Server, and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. FairCom and c-tree Plus
are trademarks of FairCom Corporation and are registered in the United States and other
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered
marks - in the United States and/or other countries - of their respective owners.
Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail
addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with
any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or
event is intended or should be inferred.
Intellectual property Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual
property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any
written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any
license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.
Warranty disclaimer Microsoft Corporation disclaims any warranty regarding the sample code contained in this
documentation, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Limitation of liability The content of this document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without
notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft
Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear
in this manual. Neither Microsoft Corporation nor anyone else who has been involved in the
creation, production or delivery of this documentation shall be liable for any indirect, incidental,
special, exemplary or consequential damages, including but not limited to any loss of anticipated
profit or benefits, resulting from the use of this documentation or sample code.
License agreement Use of this product is covered by a license agreement provided with the software product. If you
have any questions, please call the Microsoft Dynamics GP Customer Assistance Department at
800-456-0025 (in the U.S. or Canada) or +1-701-281-6500.
Publication date May 2008
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S i
What’s in this manual..................................................................................................................................2
Symbols and conventions ............................................................................................................................3
Resources available from the Help menu..................................................................................................3
Send us your documentation comments...................................................................................................4
Part 1: Preparation............................................................................................................................6
Chapter 1: Installation checklist ............................................................................................ 7
Microsoft Dynamics GP checklist...............................................................................................................7
Reviewing the Readme file..........................................................................................................................8
Troubleshooting resources..........................................................................................................................8
Before you call support ...............................................................................................................................9
Chapter 2: System requirements .........................................................................................11
Prerequisites................................................................................................................................................ 11
Home page prerequisites ........................................................................................................................... 11
Supported system requirements............................................................................................................... 11
About remote access ..................................................................................................................................12
Chapter 3: Network configuration.................................................................................... 13
Network protocol tuning..........................................................................................................................13
TCP/IP ........................................................................................................................................................13
Chapter 4: Microsoft SQL Server configuration................................................... 15
SAN and NAS disk support ......................................................................................................................15
Selecting a SQL Server collation ...............................................................................................................15
Understanding sorting options.................................................................................................................16
Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005.......................................................................................................16
Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition..........................................................................19
SQL Server Agent ......................................................................................................................................20
Enabling Delete PJournal job ....................................................................................................................20
Chapter 5: Account framework............................................................................................ 23
Understanding the account framework...................................................................................................23
Using a custom or default account framework ......................................................................................24
Planning your account framework...........................................................................................................24
Choosing account framework storage size .............................................................................................25
Part 2: Microsoft Dynamics GP server installation...........................28
Chapter 6: Installing Release 10.0 on the server ................................................. 29
Installation overview.................................................................................................................................29
Installing Microsoft Dynamics GP (server and first client) ..................................................................29
ii I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
Chapter 7: Using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities ...........................................33
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities overview.............................................................................................33
Installation options in Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities .....................................................................34
Preparing Microsoft Dynamics GP for use with default settings ........................................................34
Preparing Microsoft Dynamics GP for use with custom settings........................................................36
Additional installation tasks .....................................................................................................................40
Adding sample company data..................................................................................................................40
Creating a company...................................................................................................................................41
Removing SOP and Invoicing message...................................................................................................42
Chapter 8: Installing additional components..........................................................43
Microsoft Dynamics GP features ..............................................................................................................43
Adding or removing additional features.................................................................................................44
Additional components .............................................................................................................................46
Installing an additional component .........................................................................................................47
Chapter 9: Creating a company............................................................................................49
Chart of accounts overview.......................................................................................................................49
Adding a company using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities ................................................................49
Chapter 10: After installing on the server..................................................................53
Logging in to and quitting Microsoft Dynamics GP .............................................................................53
Registering Microsoft Dynamics GP........................................................................................................54
Security for Microsoft Dynamics GP........................................................................................................54
Part 3: Microsoft Dynamics GP client installation.............................56
Chapter 11: Creating an installation package.........................................................57
Installation package overview ..................................................................................................................57
Creating an installation package ..............................................................................................................58
Chapter 12: Installing Release 10.0 on clients.......................................................61
Installation overview.................................................................................................................................61
Installing Microsoft Dynamics GP on a subsequent client ...................................................................61
Synchronizing a client’s account framework..........................................................................................63
Multiple instances of Microsoft Dynamics GP .......................................................................................64
2 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
Use this manual to install and prepare Microsoft Dynamics™ GP for use. Review
the introductory information about the resources available to you, then use the
Microsoft Dynamics GP checklist on page 7 as your guide to installing Microsoft
Dynamics GP.
Check for current instructions
This information was current as of May 2008. The documentation may be updated
as new information becomes available. Check the Documentation Resources for
Microsoft Dynamics GP Release 10.0 Web site (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/
?LinkId=79222) for the most current documentation.
This introduction is divided into the following sections:
• What’s in this manual
• Symbols and conventions
• Resources available from the Help menu
• Send us your documentation comments
What’s in this manual
This manual provides guidelines for installing and setting up your Microsoft
Dynamics GP system. It lists the latest system requirements, contains a step-by-step
guide through the installation process, gives tips on troubleshooting, and describes
initial setup procedures. The manual is divided into the following parts:
• Part 1, Preparation, contains information about preparing your computers,
network, and database to use with Release 10.0.
• Part 2, Microsoft Dynamics GP server installation, describes how to install
Microsoft Dynamics GP on your server, set up an account framework, create
your first company, and install additional components.
• Part 3, Microsoft Dynamics GP client installation, describes how to install
Microsoft Dynamics GP on your client machines, synchronize your account
framework, and install additional components.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 3
Symbols and conventions
This documentation uses the following symbols and conventions to make specific
types of information stand out.
Resources available from the Help menu
After you’ve installed Microsoft Dynamics GP, the Help menu gives you access to
user assistance resources on your computer, as well as on the Web.
Opens the Help file for the active Microsoft Dynamics GP component, and displays
the main “contents” topic. To browse a more detailed table of contents, click the
Contents tab above the Help navigation pane. Items in the contents topic and tab
are arranged by module. If the contents for the active component includes an
“Additional Help files” topic, click the links to view separate Help files that
describe additional components.
To find information in Help by using the index or full-text search, click the
appropriate tab above the navigation pane, and type the keyword to find.
To save the link to a topic in the Help, select a topic and then select the Favorites tab.
Click Add.
Opens the Help file for the active Microsoft Dynamics GP component, with the
Index tab active. To find information about a window that’s not currently displayed,
type the name of the window, and click Display.
About this window
Displays overview information about the current window. To view related topics
and descriptions of the fields, buttons, and menus for the window, choose the
appropriate link in the topic. You also can press F1 to display Help about the current
Symbol Description
The light bulb symbol indicates helpful tips, shortcuts and
The warning symbol indicates situations you should be especially
aware of when completing tasks.
Convention Description
Creating a batch Italicized type indicates the name of a section or procedure.
File >> Print or File > Print The (>>) or (>) symbol indicates a sequence of actions, such as
selecting items from a menu or toolbar, or pressing buttons in a
window. This example directs you to go to the File menu and
choose Print.
TAB or ENTER Small capital letters indicate a key or a key sequence.
4 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
Opens a lookup window, if a window that you are viewing has a lookup window.
For example, if the Checkbook Maintenance window is open, you can choose this
item to open the Checkbooks lookup window.
Show Required Fields
Highlights fields that are required to have entries. Required fields must contain
information before you can save the record and close the window. You can change
the font color and style used to highlight required fields. On the Microsoft
Dynamics GP menu, choose User Preferences, and then choose Display.
Printable Manuals
Displays a list of manuals in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format, which you can print or
Orientation Training
Accesses online tutorials that show you how to complete basic procedures within
Microsoft Dynamics GP. Additional tutorials are available through the
CustomerSource Web site.
What’s New
Provides information about enhancements that were added to Microsoft Dynamics
GP since the last major release.
Microsoft Dynamics GP Online
Opens a Web page that provides links to a variety of Web-based user assistance
resources. Access to some items requires registration for a paid support plan.
Customer Feedback Options
Provides information about how you can join the Customer Experience
Improvement Program to improve the quality, reliability, and performance of
Microsoft® software and services.
Send us your documentation comments
We welcome comments regarding the usefulness of the Microsoft Dynamics GP
documentation. If you have specific suggestions or find any errors in this manual,
send your comments by e-mail to the following address: bizdoc@microsoft.com.
To send comments about specific topics from within Help, click the Documentation
Feedback link, which is located at the bottom of each Help topic.
Note: By offering any suggestions to Microsoft, you give Microsoft full permission to use
them freely.
6 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
Part 1: Preparation
This part contains information about preparing your computers, network, and
database to use with Microsoft Dynamics GP. This part contains the following
• Chapter 1, “Installation checklist,” provides an overview of information you’ll
need during the installation process.
• Chapter 2, “System requirements,” lists prerequisites for Microsoft Dynamics
GP and disk space requirements for Microsoft SQL Server®.
• Chapter 3, “Network configuration,” lists the settings required for each type of
network software supported by Microsoft Dynamics GP.
• Chapter 4, “Microsoft SQL Server configuration,” lists the settings you need to
make at a database level to ensure that all users of Microsoft Dynamics GP can
access information appropriately.
• Chapter 5, “Account framework,” contains information about planning and
setting up your account framework.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 7
Chapter 1: Installation checklist
This chapter provides an overview of information you’ll need during the
installation process. It contains tips on gathering information and a checklist to
guide you through installing Microsoft Dynamics GP. Next to each step is a
reference to where you can find more detailed information.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Microsoft Dynamics GP checklist
• Reviewing the Readme file
• Troubleshooting resources
• Before you call support
Microsoft Dynamics GP checklist
Use this checklist as your guide to installing and setting up Microsoft Dynamics GP
for Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition.
Step For more information
1. Plan the security of your system. \\DVD \Documentation\Manuals\SecurityPlanning.pdf
Planning for Security
2. Refer to the Microsoft Dynamics GP online
Web site for new or updated information
relating to the installation. You also can use
CustomerSource for additional information.
For the most current documentation
Support Hot Topics or Knowledge Base
3. View the Readme file and make a note of the
items that pertain to you.
\\DVD \Documentation\GPReadme.chm
4. Verify system requirements. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=82118
5. Install a networking protocol. TCP/IP on page 13
6. Install and set up Microsoft SQL Server, or
Microsoft SQL Server Express.
Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 on page 16
Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition on page 19
7. Design the account framework. Chapter 5, “Account framework”
8. Install the data server and initial client. Installing Microsoft Dynamics GP (server and first client) on page 29
9. Be sure to download and install the latest
Release 10.0 service pack.
10. Set up the account framework and
Microsoft Dynamics GP system data tables.
Preparing Microsoft Dynamics GP for use with custom settings on page 36
11. Create your first company. Adding a company using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities on page 49
12. Install additional components. Installing an additional component on page 47
13. Set up your company. System Setup instructions (Help >> Contents >> select Setting up the system)
14. Install Microsoft Dynamics GP applications
on clients.
Creating an installation package on page 58
Installing Microsoft Dynamics GP on a subsequent client on page 61
Synchronizing a client’s account framework on page 63
Installing an additional component on page 47
15. Identify the sources of any errors. Knowledge Base on CustomerSource
P A R T 1 P R E P A R A T I O N
8 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
Reviewing the Readme file
To view additional information that was not available when this manual was
written, use the Readme file on the Microsoft Dynamics GP DVD. Be sure to review
the Readme file (GPReadme.chm) before installing Microsoft Dynamics GP.
To review the Readme file
1. Insert the Release 10.0 DVD in your computer’s DVD drive.
2. In the window that appears, click View Readme.
You also can view the Readme by double-clicking the file in \\DVD
Troubleshooting resources
To obtain access to information when you encounter a problem, you can use the
following troubleshooting resources.
Microsoft Dynamics GP Online
Opens a Web page that provides links to a variety of Web-based user assistance
resources. Access to some items requires registration for a paid support plan.
Microsoft Dynamics GP documentation
If you’ve installed Microsoft Dynamics GP, you can use help to access contextsensitive
assistance about windows. You can choose Help >> About This Window
or press F1 to access help for the window you’re currently viewing. Use the Search
tab to find more information about alert messages and procedures.
You can choose Help >> Printable Manuals to find a printable version of procedural
or overview information for a specific module.
To view and download documentation, visit the Documentation Resources for
Microsoft Dynamics GP Release 10.0 Web site (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/
CustomerSource is a Web site for registered Microsoft Dynamics GP customers.
CustomerSource is available 24 hours a day. You must have a user name and
password to enter the site. You can access CustomerSource by navigating to https:/
/mbs.microsoft.com/customersource with your Internet browser.
From the CustomerSource start page, select the Support option. From the Support
page, you can look for information on your own or you can use e-mail to send a
question to the Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Support team.
You’ll find links to Support Hot Topics and Knowledge Base—the best source of
information for error messages, troubleshooting guides, work-arounds, and
answers to common Report Writer questions. You’ll also find links for automated
fixes, hardware compatibility, and downloads. Use the New Support Request link to
contact Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Support electronically. You also can view
recent support requests for yourself and your company.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 9
C H A P T E R 1 I N S T A L L A T I O N C H E C K L I S T
Microsoft SQL Server troubleshooting resources
SQL Server Books Online is a documentation resource installed with Microsoft SQL
Server. Use Books Online to troubleshoot SQL error messages and other issues
related to SQL. Microsoft’s web site, www.microsoft.com, is also a good source of
information for issues related to SQL or your operating system. You also can
download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Server 2005 Books
Online for Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition.
SQL-related error messages appear as DBMS errors in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Always use
the SQL Server Books Online to troubleshoot DBMS errors. Choose the Search tab and enter
the error number, then choose List Topics.
Before you call support
If you are experiencing a problem when installing Microsoft Dynamics GP, have the
answers ready to the following questions to help your support specialist narrow
down the source of the problem you’ve experiencing.
• What is the exact error message?
• When did the error first occur?
• What task were you attempting to perform at the time the error message was
• Has the task been completed successfully in the past?
• What is the name of the window you are you working in?
• What have you done so far to attempt to fix the problem?
• If you are using more than one company, does the problem occur in another
• Does the problem occur on another workstation?
• What versions of software are you using?
Verify the version numbers for Microsoft Dynamics GP, your Microsoft SQL
Server, and Microsoft Windows®. Also note service packs for each product.
• Are you using an integrating product with Microsoft Dynamics GP?
• Does the problem occur for the sa or system administrator user?
• Does the problem occur at the database server?
• If you use Windows Server® 2003 Terminal Services or Windows Server 2008
Terminal Services, does the same issue happen at the Terminal Server?
10 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 11
Chapter 2: System requirements
This chapter contains a list of the prerequisites for Microsoft Dynamics GP, as well
as the disk space requirements for SQL Server.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Prerequisites
• Home page prerequisites
• Supported system requirements
• About remote access
The following components must be installed before you can install Microsoft
Dynamics GP.
• Windows Installer 3.1
• Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
• Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
• Dexterity® Shared Components
• Microsoft Application Error Reporting 11.0
If one of these components isn’t installed on your computer when you attempt to
install Microsoft Dynamics GP using the DVD, the Component Installation window
opens. This window shows whether or not the component is installed. Click Install
to install the missing component or components. After all the components are
installed, the installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP continues.
Home page prerequisites
The Microsoft Office Outlook® area of your home page displays appointments and
the number of unread e-mail messages that you have. To use the Microsoft Office
Outlook area, you must have Microsoft Outlook 2003, Microsoft Outlook 2007, or
Microsoft Outlook XP installed. Outlook can be installed as a single product or as
part of a Microsoft Office 2003 edition, Microsoft Office 2003 edition, or a Microsoft
Office XP edition.
The metrics area of your home page displays graphical representations of Microsoft
Dynamics GP data. For the metrics to be displayed on your home page, you must
have Office Web Components installed on your computer. Office Web Components
can be installed as a single product or as part of a Microsoft Office 2003 edition or a
Microsoft Office XP edition. If you are using Microsoft Office 2007, you must use the
Office Web Components for Microsoft Office 2003.
Supported system requirements
For current system requirements for Microsoft Dynamics GP, see http://
go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=82118. The system requirements include
supported databases and operating systems, hardware recommendations, client
requirements, and Terminal Server requirements.
Recommended system requirements depend on the number of users and transactions. If there
will be many users performing concurrent tasks, such as depreciation, posting, or heavy
reporting, enhancing your hardware and system software improves performance.
P A R T 1 P R E P A R A T I O N
12 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
About remote access
You can use Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services with Citrix Presentation Server
3.0 or later (optional) with most database configurations to provide remote access to
Microsoft Dynamics GP in a Wide Area Network (WAN) environment.
A Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server computer with Citrix Presentation Server
is supported only as a client.
For more information about system requirements see http://go.microsoft.com/
fwlink/?LinkId=82118. You also should refer to the documentation provided by
Citrix for more information.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 13
Chapter 3: Network configuration
This chapter contains information about network configuration that must be in
place before installing Microsoft Dynamics GP, and includes the following sections:
• Domain
• Network protocol tuning
To use Microsoft Dynamics GP, your Web server, back office server, Terminal
Services server (if applicable), and client workstations must belong to a domain.
A domain is a group of computers that are part of a network and share a common
directory database. A domain is administered as a unit with common rules and
procedures. Each domain has a unique name.
Network protocol tuning
To optimize your network for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Dynamics GP,
refer to the following guidelines.
• Limit the network to one protocol. (TCP/IP is required.)
• Remove unused network protocols. On Windows Server 2003, choose Start >>
Control Panel >> Network Connections; right-click on your local area
connection and choose Properties.
On Windows Server 2008, choose Start >> Control Panel >> Network and
Sharing Center >> click the Manage network connections task >> right-click on
your local area connection and choose Properties.
• Use 100 MB Full Duplex or 1 GB Ethernet for optimal performance. For more
information about system requirements, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/
• Use switches rather than hubs, if optimal performance is required.
Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is required for Microsoft
Dynamics GP.
If you’re using TCP/IP, review the information in this section to be sure that the
network is set up properly. Then use your networking protocol documentation to
install and test the protocol on all clients and servers before you install Microsoft
Dynamics GP.
IP addresses
Each computer that you use with Microsoft Dynamics GP must have a unique IP
number (Internet Protocol address) associated with it. For more information about
IP addresses, consult your network administrator or refer to your networking
protocol software documentation.
P A R T 1 P R E P A R A T I O N
14 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
TCP/IP name resolution
You should use some type of name resolution in your network, so that each
computer is identified by a unique host name. Name resolution is a method of
identifying each computer and can be accomplished by having a specific server act
as a domain name server or putting a hosts file on each client and server.
For more information about name resolution using either a domain name server or
hosts files, consult your network administrator or refer to your networking protocol
software documentation.
Testing TCP/IP connectivity
To test connectivity between clients and servers, use an application distributed with
most TCP/IP packages called ping. The ping application will attempt to send a
network message or set of messages to a designated computer and inform you
whether the message arrived at that computer. Be sure you ping the host name and
the ID address of every computer in your system before installing Microsoft
Dynamics GP.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 15
Chapter 4: Microsoft SQL Server configuration
This chapter guides you through the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and the Microsoft
SQL Server 2005 Express installation and setup process for Microsoft Dynamics GP.
It’s important that you install and set up Microsoft SQL Server according to these
If you’ve already installed and set up SQL Server using different options, you may
have to change those options. Changing options after they’ve been set sometimes
involves reinstalling SQL Server.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• SAN and NAS disk support
• Selecting a SQL Server collation
• Understanding sorting options
• Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005
• Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
• SQL Server Agent
• Enabling Delete PJournal job
SAN and NAS disk support
Because Microsoft Dynamics GP relies on SQL Server to maintain databases and
make databases available, there are guidelines you must follow when configuring
SQL Server disk support.
We recommend that you use a Storage Area Network (SAN) or locally attached disk
to store your Microsoft SQL Server database files because this configuration
optimizes SQL Server performance. By default, use of network database files stored
on a networked server or Network Attached Storage (NAS) is not enabled for SQL
Server. However, you can configure SQL Server to store a database on a networked
server or NAS storage server. Servers used for this purpose must meet SQL Server
requirements for data write ordering and write-through guarantees.
If you are using Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition, SAN and NAS disk support
isn’t typically used.
For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q304261 (go to
support.microsoft.com and search for the article number) or contact the SQL Server
Support Team.
Selecting a SQL Server collation
A SQL Server collation—a set of rules that determines how character data is sorted
and compared—includes character set, sort order, and locale-specific settings. See
your SQL Server 2000 or 2005 documentation for more information about collation
The SQL Server collation you select determines how information is presented in
response to SQL queries and affects the performance of the system.
The code page for character data is defined by the Windows locale selected when
the operating system was installed. The code page contains the valid set of
characters in your SQL Server database. A character set consists of 256 uppercase
P A R T 1 P R E P A R A T I O N
16 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. The first 128 characters are the same
for all character sets. The supported character set in the United States is the 1252/
ISO character set.
It is important to select the correct collation for Microsoft Dynamics GP when
you’re installing SQL Server. Using SQL Server collations that include Binary (sort
order 50) or Dictionary Order, Case-Insensitive (sort order 52) sorting is required for
Microsoft Dynamics GP. To change these settings at a later time, you must reinstall
SQL Server and Microsoft Dynamics GP.
You should check the compatibility of all the products you have that will use SQL Server
before deciding on the collation option.
Understanding sorting options
Using SQL Server collations that include Binary (sort order 50) or Dictionary Order,
Case-Insensitive (sort order 52) sorting is required.
Binary sort order assigns characters numeric values of 0 through 255. Dictionary
Order, Case-Insensitive (DOCI) sort order makes no distinction between uppercase
and lowercase characters. DOCI is the most common sort order.
The following table shows the differences between Dictionary Order, Case-
Insensitive and Binary.
Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005
We recommend that you follow the instructions in this section if you have not yet
installed Microsoft SQL Server 2005. For information about upgrading SQL Server,
see the SQL Server installation documentation. (In the window that appears when
you insert the SQL Server DVD, select Browse Setup/Upgrade Help.)
With SQL Server 2005, you can have multiple instances of SQL Server on the same physical
server. We recommend that you have a dedicated a server. See your SQL Server 2005
documentation for more information about multiple instances.
To install Microsoft SQL Server 2005:
1. Insert the SQL Server 2005 DVD. The main SQL Server installation screen
should appear. If you do not see this screen, browse the DVD and double-click
the Splash.hta file.
2. Click Run in the SQL Server Installation Wizard.
3. Mark the option to accept the terms of the End-User License Agreement and
then click Next.
Sort order Technical name Sorting result
Dictionary Order, Case-
SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS McMaster
Binary Latin1_General_BIN MMCompanyName
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 17
C H A P T E R 4 M I C R O S O F T S Q L S E R V E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N
4. In the Installing Prerequisites window, click Install to install the software
components that are required for SQL Server 2005. After the components are
installed, click Next.
5. In the Welcome to the Microsoft SQL Server Installation Wizard window, click
6. Your computer is scanned for conditions that may stop installation. To proceed
with the installation, click Next in the System Configuration Check window. For
more information about the items that are checked, click Help.
7. Enter your name and company in the Registration Information window, and
click Next.
8. In the Components to Install window, select the components for your SQL
server installation and click Next.
To install individual components, click Advanced.
If you are installing a failover cluster, see How to: Create a New SQL Server 2005
Failover Cluster (Setup) in the MSDN Online Library (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/
9. The Feature Selection window opens if you selected to install individual
components. Select the program features you want to use and specify the
location to install SQL Server 2005. Click Next.
10. In the Instance Name window, select a default or named instance for your
• To install a new default instance (the primary instance on the computer),
click Default instance and click Next. There can be only one default
• To install a new named instance, click Named instance and then enter a
unique instance name. Click Next.
• If a default or named instance is already installed, select the existing
instance for your installation and click Next. The instance upgrades and
you will have the option to install additional components.
For information about using instances of SQL Server, see your SQL Server
documentation. We recommend that you have a dedicated server.
11. In the Services Accounts window, specify the user name, password and domain
name for the service accounts. We recommend that you use the same account
for each service and automatically start services. Click Next.
12. In the Authentication Mode window, select Mixed Mode as the authentication
mode. Mixed Mode is required by Microsoft Dynamics GP.
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18 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
With Mixed Mode, users can connect using Windows Authentication or SQL
Server Authentication. You must enter and confirm the system administrator
password when you select Mixed Mode. You’ll use this is the password to log in
to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities as the system administrator.
Click Next.
13. In the Collation Settings window, select Binary or Dictionary Order, Case-
Insensitive as the sorting option and click Next. See Selecting a SQL Server
collation on page 15 for more information about collation options.
You should check the compatibility of all the products you have that will use SQL Server
before deciding on the collation option.
Binary To use Binary sorting, use the Collation designator option and sort
order and make the following selections in the Collation Settings window.
Dictionary Order, Case-Insensitive To use Dictionary Order, Case-
Insensitive sorting, choose SQL Collations and make the following selections in
the Collation Settings window.
14. In the Error and Usage Report Settings window, select to allow error and usage
reporting. Click Next.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 19
C H A P T E R 4 M I C R O S O F T S Q L S E R V E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N
15. In the Ready to Install window, review the list of components that will be
installed and click Install.
16. The Setup Progress window appears, allowing you to view the status of the
installation. Click Next after the installation is completed.
17. In the Completing the Microsoft SQL Server Installation Wizard window, click
Finish to exit the installation wizard.
18. Restart the computer if you are instructed to do so.
Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition has a maximum database size of 4 GB.
You can download Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express from www.microsoft.com.
The version of Microsoft Dynamics GP that runs on Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Express is limited to 10 users.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express doesn’t include SQL administrative tools. You
can download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express and SQL Server
2005 Books Online for SQL Server Express from www.microsoft.com.
Use the information in this section to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express on
your computer.
To install Microsoft SQL Sever 2005 Express Edition:
1. Insert the SQL Server 2005 DVD. The main SQL Server installation screen
should appear. If you do not see this screen, browse the DVD and double-click
the Splash.hta file.
2. Click Run in the SQL Server Installation Wizard.
3. Mark the option to accept the terms of the End-User License Agreement and
then click Next.
4. In the Installing Prerequisites window, click Install to install the software
components that are required for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express. After the
components are installed, click Next.
5. In the Welcome to the Microsoft SQL Server Installation Wizard window, click
6. Your computer is scanned for conditions that may stop installation. To proceed
with the installation, click Next in the System Configuration Check window. For
more information about the items that are checked, click Help.
7. Enter your name and company in the Registration Information window, and
click Next.
8. In the Feature Selection window, select the features for your installation and
specify the location to install Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition. Click Next.
9. In the Authentication Mode window, select Mixed Mode as the authentication
mode. Mixed Mode is required by Microsoft Dynamics GP.
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20 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
With Mixed Mode, users can connect using Windows Authentication or SQL
Server Authentication. You must enter and confirm the system administrator
password when you select Mixed Mode. You’ll use this is the password to log in
to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities as the system administrator.
10. Specify whether or not to allow error and usage reporting in the Error and
Usage Report Setting window. Click Next.
11. In the Ready to Install window, review the list of components that will be
installed and click Install.
12. The Setup Progress window appears, allowing you to view the status of the
installation. Click Next after the installation has been completed.
13. In the Completing the Microsoft SQL Server Installation Wizard window, click
Finish to exit the installation wizard.
14. Restart the computer if you are instructed to do so.
SQL Server Agent
When you install Microsoft Dynamics GP on the server, an automated database
maintenance job is created. SQL Server Agent is used to run automated jobs.
Be sure that the SQL Server Agent service is set up to start automatically with the
operating system if you are using Microsoft SQL Server. In SQL Server Service
Manager, select SQL Server Agent from the list of services and mark the Auto-start
service when OS starts option.
Jobs are customizable, and you can select how frequently they should be completed.
You may want certain jobs to run every half hour, while others should run once at
night. For more information on scheduling jobs, refer to Microsoft SQL Server
Books Online.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express doesn’t include SQL Server Agent. Refer to
Support Hot Topic on CustomerSource https://mbs.microsoft.com/
customersource for more information about scheduling a backup.
Enabling Delete PJournal job
The Delete PJournal job is created during the installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP.
By enabling the Delete PJournal job, the speed of the posting process is increased.
To enable Delete PJournal job using Enterprise Manager:
1. Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
(Start >> Programs >> Microsoft SQL Server >> Enterprise Manager)
2. Expand Microsoft SQL Server, expand SQL Server Group, and expand the
instance of SQL Server used for GP.
3. Expand Management, expand SQL Server Agent, and click Jobs.
4. Right-click on Remove Posted PJournals for your company database and click
Properties to open the Properties window.
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5. Unmark and mark the Enable option.
6. Click Apply and then click OK.
To enable Delete PJournal job using SQL Server
Management Studio:
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
(Start >> Programs >> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 >> SQL Server Management
2. Log in to Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
3. Expand SQL Server Agent, and click Jobs.
4. Right-click on Remove Posted PJournals for your company database and click
Properties to open the Properties window.
5. Unmark and mark the Enable option.
6. Click Apply and then click OK.
22 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 23
Chapter 5: Account framework
Use the information in this chapter to plan your account framework for your
company. A framework is a set of maximum values, such as maximum segment
lengths that each of your company’s account formats must fit within. The account
framework is very difficult to change later after it’s set up.
Note that the account framework you enter in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities will be
used for the account format in all companies you’re planning to set up.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Understanding the account framework
• Using a custom or default account framework
• Planning your account framework
• Choosing account framework storage size
Understanding the account framework
The framework you’ll enter includes maximums for the account length, the number
of account segments, and the length of each segment. These maximums will be used
for the account format in all companies you’re planning to set up. You’ll enter the
specific account format for each company when you access Microsoft Dynamics GP
and set up the company.
Maximums you enter for account framework during installation will apply to
additional companies you set up later. For example, you could enter the account
framework maximums shown in the following table during the installation process.
With these maximums for the account framework defined during installation, you
wouldn’t be able to set up the following account format for a company.
Although the maximum account length and number of segments is within the limit,
this account format is invalid because the length of the first segment—8—exceeds
the segment maximum that was defined during installation.
Account framework example
Maximum account length 20
Maximum number of segments 3
Length of segment 1 7
Length of segment 2 10
Length of segment 3 3
Invalid account format for the corresponding framework
Account length 20
Number of segments 3
Length of segment 1 8
Length of segment 2 9
Length of segment 3 3
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24 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
Using a custom or default account framework
You can design your account framework or use a default account framework. The
account framework applies to all companies in your Microsoft Dynamics GP
system, and represents the maximum length of your accounts, number of segments,
and segment lengths. The account framework is very difficult to change later after
you set it up using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
To use the default account framework, you’ll select Basic as the installation option
in Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities after you install Microsoft Dynamics GP. The
Basic option also provides default settings for your system database and system
password. For more information, see Installation options in Microsoft Dynamics GP
Utilities on page 34.
The following is the account framework for a basic installation.
If you decide that the basic installation’s default account framework fits your
business needs, you don’t need to plan your account framework before you install
Microsoft Dynamics GP and use Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
If you decide not to use the default framework, review Planning your account
framework on page 24 and Choosing account framework storage size on page 25 to plan
your account framework before you install Microsoft Dynamics GP. After you
design your account framework and install Microsoft Dynamics GP, you’ll select
Advanced as the installation option in Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities. Use
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities to enter a framework for the account formats that
will be used by all companies you’ll set up in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Planning your account framework
When planning an account framework, think about the account format you’ve used
with your previous accounting system and consider future expansions and the
account format for additional companies you may add to your system later. Plan the
maximum number of segments you’ll use in any company, and the maximum
length of each segment.
It’s important to consider what your current and future needs are for the framework; after
you’ve entered the framework, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to change it. If you find that
you need to change your account framework, contact your reseller or Microsoft Dynamics
GP Technical Support.
Maximum number of segments 5
Length of each segment 9
Account preview xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx
Sorting Options No sorting options by segment
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 25
C H A P T E R 5 A C C O U N T F R A M E W O R K
To use one of the default charts of accounts provided with Microsoft Dynamics GP
or to complete the orientation training using the sample company, set up the
account framework with maximums that are at least the size listed below. To
preview the default charts of accounts for various business and industry types,
review the Default Charts of Accounts for Microsoft Dynamics GP article (http://
If you have more than one company, you may need to enter maximum segment
lengths that exceed the 66-character account length maximum when the segment
lengths are added together. Assume that you have two companies using the account
formats shown in the following table.
In this case, you’d enter the following account framework maximums.
Notice that the total of the three segment lengths—75—exceeds the maximum
account length—66. However, the account format for each company is within the
account framework maximum.
Choosing account framework storage size
You will need to consider the storage size that is required by each segment. The
storage size is made up of segment units—a unit of measure that determines the
size of each segment. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, the storage size is calculated
automatically when you enter each segment, though it isn’t displayed. A message
will be displayed if your framework exceeds the allowable storage size.
Each segment uses one or two segment units for storage, depending upon whether
it’s an odd or an even-numbered segment. These units will be added to the total
length of all segments. When the maximum account length is set, the total of all
segments units must be 82 or less. For example, assume that an account has two 5-
character segments and seven 8-character segments, the total storage size will be 82
Minimum account framework for use with sample company
Maximum account length at least 9 characters
Maximum number of segments at least 3 segments
Length of segment 1 at least 3 characters
Length of segment 2 at least 4 characters
Length of segment 3 at least 2 characters
Account format Company 1 Company 2
Account length 66 66
Number of segments 3 3
Length of segment 1 10 20
Length of segment 2 40 30
Length of segment 3 15 15
Account framework accommodating
both account formats
Maximum account length 66
Maximum number of segments 3
Length of segment 1 20
Length of segment 2 40
Length of segment 3 15
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26 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
(one unit is added to each of the five character segments because 5 is an odd
number and two units must be added to each of the 8-character segments because 8
is an even number). This example would be calculated as shown in the following
Based on the previous example, if you use an account framework with two 5-
character segments and eight 8-character segments, it would not be valid because
the total would be 92, or ten greater than the maximum allowed, as shown in the
following table.
However, if you use all odd-numbered segment lengths, you can incorporate larger
segments in your account framework because odd-numbered segment lengths use
only one segment unit each. For example, you could use ten 7-character segments in
your account framework, which provides a total length of 70 characters, and a total
size of 80.
Segment Segment length Segment units Total size
1 5 1 6
2 5 1 6
3 8 2 10
4 8 2 10
5 8 2 10
6 8 2 10
7 8 2 10
8 8 2 10
9 8 2 10
Total 66 16 82
Segment Segment length Segment units Total size
1 5 1 6
2 5 1 6
3 8 2 10
4 8 2 10
5 8 2 10
6 8 2 10
7 8 2 10
8 8 2 10
9 8 2 10
10 8 2 10
Total 74 18 92
28 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
Part 2: Microsoft Dynamics GP
server installation
This part contains information about installing Microsoft Dynamics GP and
additional components included on the Microsoft Dynamics GP DVD on your
server. It also includes information about using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities to
set up your system, and creating your first company. It contains the following
• Chapter 6, “Installing Release 10.0 on the server,” provides instructions for
installing Microsoft Dynamics GP Release 10.0 on the server.
• Chapter 7, “Using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities,” includes information
about using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities to set up your system.
• Chapter 8, “Installing additional components,” contains information about
additional features and products available for Microsoft Dynamics GP. Use
these procedures to install additional components after you’ve already installed
Microsoft Dynamics GP.
• Chapter 9, “Creating a company,” provides instructions for creating a company
if you didn’t create one when you first used Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities to
prepare Microsoft Dynamics GP for use. You must have at least one company
set up before you can start Microsoft Dynamics GP.
• Chapter 10, “After installing on the server,” tells you how to log in to Microsoft
Dynamics GP and register your Microsoft Dynamics GP modules.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 29
Chapter 6: Installing Release 10.0 on the server
Use the information in this chapter to install Microsoft Dynamics GP Release 10.0 on
the server. This chapter contains the following sections:
• Installation overview
• Installing Microsoft Dynamics GP (server and first client)
Installation overview
In a multiuser local area network environment, Microsoft Dynamics GP
applications are typically installed on a server, and then on each client. When you
install Microsoft Dynamics GP on the server, both server and client components are
installed on the server. Each client will have access to data stored on the server. You
must install your company database on the server first. Then, from any client, you’ll
install client components using the Microsoft Dynamics GP DVD or using a client
installation package. For more about creating an installation package for your
clients, see Chapter 11, “Creating an installation package.”
Installing Microsoft Dynamics GP (server and first
Before beginning the installation, be sure you’ve completed the installation
preparation steps listed in Part 1, Preparation, and that no other applications are
To install Microsoft Dynamics GP (server and first client):
1. Be sure that you’re logged in to Windows as a user with system administrator
2. Insert the Release 10.0 DVD in the DVD drive of your server computer. The
main Microsoft Dynamics GP installation window should appear. If the
window does not appear automatically, browse the DVD and double-click the
Setup.exe file.
3. Click Microsoft Dynamics GP.
The installation program verifies that your system has the minimum operating
system required to run Microsoft Dynamics GP. If your system does not meet
requirements, the installation will not continue.
4. If you are installing Microsoft Dynamics GP on a computer with an existing
instance of Microsoft Dynamics GP Release 10.0, select the Create new instance
option, enter a name for the new instance, and then click Next.
5. In the Country/Region Selection window, select the primary country or region
where you do business. Your selection affects which features are available to
install. Some features are available only in selected countries or regions. Click
6. Follow the instructions in the window to accept the software license agreement.
To install Microsoft Dynamics GP, you must accept this agreement and click
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30 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
7. In the Select Features window, select the features to install.
When you click a button for a feature, a pop-up menu of options appears. Refer
to the table for more information about each option.
8. Specify the folder where you want the Microsoft Dynamics GP files installed.
The default folder is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP. To select a
different folder, click Browse.
After you have specified the installation folder, click Next.
9. To set up an ODBC data source, enter the name you assigned to the SQL Server
when you installed Microsoft SQL Server. A data source name called Dynamics
GP also is created using SQL Native Client.
If you don’t want to set up an ODBC data source, mark the Do not create a data
source option.
Click Next.
10. In the Install Program window, click Install.
11. The Installation Progress window appears, where you can view the status of the
12. In the Installation Complete window, click Exit.
13. Before you start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, check for and install current
Microsoft Dynamics GP service pack for Release 10.0. See CustomerSource
(https://mbs.microsoft.com/customersource) for the latest service pack
Option What happens
Install this feature The selected feature will be installed on the local hard
disk. (This option installs the feature, but not sub–
Install entire feature Will install the feature and all of its sub–features.
Do not install this feature Will not install the selected feature or sub–features.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 31
C H A P T E R 6 I N S T A L L I N G R E L E A S E 1 0 . 0 O N T H E S E R V E R
To start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, you must have appropriate user privileges.
Typically, this means being part of the Administrators group or the Power Users group
on Windows XP. On Windows Vista® or Windows Server 2008, it means starting
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities with administrative privileges. For example, to start
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities from the shortcut on the Start menu, select and rightclick
GP Utilities, and then select Run as Administrator. Refer to your operating
system’s documentation for more information.
14. Start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities. Choose Start >> All Programs >>
Microsoft Dynamics >> GP 10.0 >> GP Utilities.
15. Follow the instructions in Chapter 7, “Using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.”
You can use the Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities windows to set up your
account framework and the Microsoft Dynamics GP system data tables, and to
create your companies.
16. After using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, you can install additional features
or components that add specialized functionality to your Microsoft Dynamics
GP system on the server computer. See Chapter 8, “Installing additional
components,” for more information.
32 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 33
Chapter 7: Using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities
After you’ve installed Microsoft Dynamics GP, you need to complete a number of
additional configuration procedures. To do this, you’ll use an application called
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
To start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, you must have appropriate user privileges.
Typically, this means being part of the Administrators group or the Power Users group on
Windows XP. On Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, it means starting Microsoft
Dynamics GP Utilities with administrative privileges. For example, to start Microsoft
Dynamics GP Utilities from the shortcut on the Start menu, select and right-click GP
Utilities, and then select Run as Administrator. Refer to your operating system’s
documentation for more information.
One of the most important—and difficult to change later—configuration tasks is
setting up an account framework. Be sure to review Chapter 5, “Account
framework,” before using the Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities overview
• Installation options in Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities
• Preparing Microsoft Dynamics GP for use with default settings
• Preparing Microsoft Dynamics GP for use with custom settings
• Additional installation tasks
• Adding sample company data
• Creating a company
• Removing SOP and Invoicing message
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities overview
You’ll use Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities to complete the following tasks after
you’ve installed software and data on a server computer.
• Select whether to use default or custom settings to configure the system
• Create SQL Server devices and databases for Microsoft Dynamics GP.
• Create your account framework and synchronize the Microsoft Dynamics GP
dictionary, if you are providing custom settings.
• Select a default account framework and synchronize the Microsoft Dynamics
GP dictionary, if you decide to use default settings.
• Define account sorting options, if you are providing custom settings.
• Enter the password for the DYNSA user.
• Set up the system password, which controls access to system management
functions in Microsoft Dynamics GP, if you are providing custom settings.
• Synchronize sample data with your account framework, if you installed the
sample company.
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34 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
• Remove SOP and Invoicing message. This lets you removes a message that
appears every time you enter a transaction in Sales Order Processing or
Invoicing, if both modules are registered.
• Create additional companies, as needed.
Installation options in Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities
When using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, you can select an installation option
to use default settings or to provide your own custom settings. If you select the
Basic option, the default settings for the DYNAMICS database, the account
framework, and system password are provided. If you select the Advanced option,
you’ll provide the settings to create the database, the account framework, and
system password.
The following table compares the default settings of the Basic option with the
custom settings of the Advanced option.
Preparing Microsoft Dynamics GP for use with default
Use Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities to prepare Microsoft Dynamics GP for use.
Complete this procedure when you install Microsoft Dynamics GP for the first time.
You need to do this only once.
With this procedure, you’ll select the Basic option in the Installation Options
window to use default settings for the DYNAMICS database, account framework,
and system password. For more information about the Basic option, see Installation
options in Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities on page 34.
Before you use Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, check for and install the most
current Microsoft Dynamics GP service pack for Release 10.0. See CustomerSource
(https://mbs.microsoft.com/customersource) for the latest service pack
information. After installing the service pack, start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
To prepare Microsoft Dynamics GP for use with default
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
(Start >> Programs >> Microsoft Dynamics >> GP 10.0 >> GP Utilities)
Setting Basic installation Advanced installation
The DYNAMICS database files are created at the default
locations defined in the SQL Server.
A typical default location is \Program Files\Microsoft SQL
You can specify the locations where the DYNAMICS
database files are created in the SQL Server.
The following account framework is created for you.
Maximum number of segments: 5
Length of each segment: 9
Sorting Options: No sorting options by segment
Account preview:
You can design your account framework by
entering the maximum for the account length, the
number of account segments, and the length of
each segment. You also can select sorting options.
For more information about designing an account
framework, see Chapter 5, “Account framework.”
The system password is blank. This means that all users will
have access to systemwide setup information. You can enter
this password in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
You can enter a password for systemwide setup
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 35
C H A P T E R 7 U S I N G M I C R O S O F T D Y N A M I C S G P U T I L I T I E S
2. In the Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities window, verify your server
name, and enter a system administrator user ID and password; then click OK.
You must be logged in as a system administrator to complete database and system
functions within Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
3. The Welcome To Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities window opens when you are
logged into the server you selected. Read the message and click Next.
4. The Installation Options window appears. Mark Basic and then click Next.
5. If the DYNSA user doesn’t have a password, the Enter DYNSA User Password
window opens. Use this window to enter the password for the DYNSA user.
The DYNSA user is the database owner and can perform tasks, such as table
maintenance procedures. This password is case-sensitive.
6. In the Confirmation window, click Next.
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities installs databases and devices, installs initial
module setup information, and sets up Microsoft Dynamics GP menus. These
procedures may take several minutes to complete. The Server Installation
Progress window describes the processes as they are completed.
When processing is complete, the Additional Tasks window appears.
7. In the Additional Tasks window, you can choose to perform additional
procedures, start Microsoft Dynamics GP, or end the installation. If you select
any task, click Process; otherwise, click Exit.
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36 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
See Additional installation tasks for more information about additional
installation tasks.
Preparing Microsoft Dynamics GP for use with custom
Use Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities to prepare Microsoft Dynamics GP for use.
Complete this procedure when you install Microsoft Dynamics GP for the first time.
You need to do this only once.
With this procedure, you’ll select the Advanced option in the Installation Options
window to use custom settings for the DYNAMICS database, account framework,
and system password. For more information about the Advanced option, see
Installation options in Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities on page 34.
Before you use Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, check for and install the most
current Microsoft Dynamics GP service pack for Release 10.0. See CustomerSource
(https://mbs.microsoft.com/customersource) for the latest service pack
information. After installing the service pack, start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
To prepare Microsoft Dynamics GP for use with custom
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
(Start >> Programs >> Microsoft Dynamics >> GP 10.0 >> GP Utilities)
2. In the Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities window, verify your server
name, and enter a system administrator user ID and password; then click OK.
You must be logged in as a system administrator to complete database and system
functions within Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
3. The Welcome To Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities window opens when you are
logged into the server you selected. Read the message and click Next.
4. The Installation Options window appears. Mark Advanced and then click Next.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 37
C H A P T E R 7 U S I N G M I C R O S O F T D Y N A M I C S G P U T I L I T I E S
5. In the Database Setup window, enter the location to create the data and log
devices (files). For more information about disk and RAID configuration, see
see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=82118. Click Next.
6. In the Set Up Account Framework window, enter a framework for the accounts
for all Microsoft Dynamics GP companies, as well as all companies you may set
up in the future.
Enter the maximum account length (up to 66 characters) and the maximum
number of segments (up to 10) that you’ll need for the charts of accounts in
companies you set up now or in the future. Maximums you enter now will
apply to all companies you plan to set up.
See Planning your account framework on page 24 for more information.
7. In the Set Up Account Segment Lengths window, enter a name for each
segment of the account, as well as the maximum length you’ll use for each
segment in the charts of accounts for your companies.
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You should use descriptive names that clearly indicate how each segment will
be used. These segment names will appear as the default segment names when
you set up the account format for each company; you can change the names
later, if necessary.
The length of each segment can be no longer than 66 characters. Maximums you
enter now will apply to companies you set up later.
If you have more than one company, you may need to enter maximum segment lengths
that exceed the 66-character account length maximum when the segment lengths are
added together. The total size must be 82 or less. See Choosing account framework
storage size on page 25 for more information.
8. Select sorting options in the Define Additional Sorting Options window. This
window displays the predefined sorting options available in Microsoft
Dynamics GP to sort account information in windows and on reports.
• If the displayed sorting options include the ways you’ll need to sort account
information, leave the No option marked and click Next, then continue to
step 10.
• To select segments of your account framework to sort by, as well, mark Yes,
then click Next. The Set Up Additional Sorting Options window appears.
Continue to step 9.
9. If you selected Yes in step 8, select each account segment you want to use as a
sorting option and click Add. You can define up to nine additional sorting
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 39
C H A P T E R 7 U S I N G M I C R O S O F T D Y N A M I C S G P U T I L I T I E S
If you select more than one segment, use the Up and Down buttons to specify in
what order the segments will be used to sort account information. Sorting
options are used to control the way accounts are displayed in Microsoft
Dynamics GP windows, in all your companies.
10. When you’ve finished selecting segments, click Next to verify your account
framework in the Verify Account Framework window.
To make corrections if necessary, click Back until the appropriate window is displayed,
then click Next in each window until the Verify Account Framework window is
displayed again.
A report file called Acctfram.txt is created in the Data folder inside of the GP
folder, which contains the same account framework information. This file,
which is created only on the first client, stores account framework information
for your reference. Be sure to make a backup of the Acctfram.txt file.
11. If the DYNSA user doesn’t have a password, the Enter DYNSA User Password
window opens. Use this window to enter the password for the DYNSA user.
The DYNSA user is the database owner and can perform tasks, such as table
maintenance procedures. This password is case-sensitive.
12. In the Enter System Password window, enter the password to use to access
Microsoft Dynamics GP system windows, reports, and utilities. This password
is case-sensitive and will be used for control functions, such as user security.
13. In the Confirmation window, click Next.
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40 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities installs databases and devices, installs initial
module setup information, and sets up Microsoft Dynamics GP menus. These
procedures may take several minutes to complete. The Server Installation
Progress window describes the processes as they are completed.
When processing is complete, the Additional Tasks window appears.
14. In the Additional Tasks window, you can choose to perform additional
procedures, start Microsoft Dynamics GP, or end the installation. If you select
any task, click Process; otherwise, click Exit.
See Additional installation tasks for more information about additional
installation tasks.
Additional installation tasks
The Additional Tasks window in Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities contains the
following selections:
• Add sample company data
• Create a company
• Remove SOP and Invoicing message
• Update modified forms and reports
• Synchronize forms and reports dictionaries
The Update modified forms and reports option is used when upgrading from a
previous release; it isn’t used when you initially install Microsoft Dynamics GP.The
Synchronize forms and report dictionaries option can be used at anytime when you
want to synchronize your forms and reports to your account framework.
Start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities if you haven’t already and follow the
instructions in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities windows until you open the
Additional Tasks window. The following procedures assume that the Additional
Tasks window is open.
Adding sample company data
You can add data for the sample company, Fabrikam, Inc., to your Microsoft
Dynamics GP system to practice procedures. If a Microsoft Dynamics GP feature is
installed, the sample data for that feature will be included when adding sample
data. When you are adding the sample company, you can create LessonUser1 and
LessonUser2 as sample users. These users will have access only to Fabrikam, Inc.
The process of adding sample company data may take some time.
To add sample company data:
1. Select the Add sample company data option in the Additional Tasks window
and click Process.
2. In the Database Setup window, select a default location for new files that will be
created for the sample company.
3. In the Create Sample Users window, enter a password that will be used by the
sample users, LessonUser1 and LessonUser2, to access the sample company.
Reenter your password exactly as you previously entered it. Click Next.
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4. In the Confirmation window, click Finish. After data has been added, the
Additional Tasks window will reappear.
Creating a company
This option will create SQL tables that are needed for your company data. You must
have at least one company set up before you can start Microsoft Dynamics GP.
When adding a company, you can select how to configure your company. You can
use wizards to migrate data from Intuit QuickBooks and enter basic configuration
options, or you can configure the company later using the Setup Checklist window
in Microsoft Dynamics GP. To use a wizard to migrate or configure data, you must
download and install the Rapid Implementation Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP.
If you haven’t installed the Rapid Implementation Tools, click the Download and
install the wizards link in the Company Setup Options window.
For each company you create, be sure the following requirements are met:
• The minimum device size for most Microsoft Dynamics GP configurations is
300MB. If you’re using Human Resources with Integration to Payroll or the
Manufacturing Series, use a device size of 450MB.
• The folder you specify must exist on the hard disk.
To create a company:
1. Select the Create a company option in the Additional Tasks window and click
2. In the Create Company window, enter a company ID and name and select
additional options.
The additional options, such as shipping methods and payment terns, may be
overwritten if you choose to use the wizards to migrate QuickBooks data and enter basic
configuration information in step 6.
3. Click Next.
4. In the Database Setup window, select a default location for new files that will be
5. The Confirmation window appears. Confirm your selections. If the selections
are correct, click Finish.
The Server Installation Progress window appears, showing progress as devices
are created and tables loaded.
6. The Company Setup Options window appears, where you can select to use a
wizard to migrate data from QuickBooks, use a wizard to enter basic
configuration options, or configure the company later using the Setup Checklist
window in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
To use a wizard to migrate or configure data, you must download and install
the Rapid Implementation Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP. If you haven’t
installed the Rapid Implementation Tools, click the Download and install the
wizards link in the Company Setup Options window before you click Next.
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42 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
7. Click Next. If you decided to configure your company later, the Additional
Tasks window reappears. You can click Create a company to set up a second
company, start Microsoft Dynamics GP, or Exit.
If you decided to use a wizard to migrate or configure your company data, the
Rapid Migration Tool or the Rapid Configuration Tool starts.
Removing SOP and Invoicing message
Return to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities and complete this task after you’ve set
up Sales Order Processing. The following message will appear every time you enter
a transaction in Sales Order Processing or Invoicing, if both modules are registered:
“Sales Order Processing and Invoicing modules are both installed. They do not
share information. Transactions should be entered in one module only.” To remove
this message, select Remove SOP and Invoicing message in the Additional Tasks
window and click Process, then follow the instructions in the window.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 43
Chapter 8: Installing additional components
Depending on your organization’s needs, you may have purchased additional
features that add specialized functionality to your Microsoft Dynamics GP system.
A Microsoft Dynamics GP feature can be a single function or a complete a range of
related business and accounting tasks that use one or more modules. Several
products that integrate with Microsoft Dynamics GP are included on the Microsoft
Dynamics GP DVD.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Microsoft Dynamics GP features
• Adding or removing additional features
• Additional components
• Installing an additional component
Microsoft Dynamics GP features
After you’ve installed Release 10.0, you may decide to purchase an additional
feature or remove a feature. Some features add a single function to your Microsoft
Dynamics GP system while some, such as Manufacturing, allow you to complete a
range of related business and accounting tasks that use one or more modules. You
can use the Select Features window to install or uninstall a feature. For more
information about accessing this window, see Adding or removing additional features.
You can register Microsoft Dynamics GP using the Registration window (Microsoft
Dynamics GP menu >> Tools >> Setup >> System >> Registration) after you install.
For more information about registration, see Registering Microsoft Dynamics GP on
page 54. All features are registered for the sample company, Fabrikam, Inc. For
more information about the sample company, see Adding sample company data on
page 40.
The following table lists the Microsoft Dynamics GP features. The features available
depends on the country or region you selected when installing Microsoft Dynamics
For all countries and regions
A4 Human Resources
Analytical Accounting Manufacturing
Audit Trails Multilingual Checks
Collections Management Payment Document Management
EFT for Receivables Management Professional Services Tools Library
Electronic Bank Reconcile Retail Management System Integration
Electronic Signatures Revenue/Expense Deferrals
Encumbrance Management Safe Pay
Extender SmartList Builder
Grant Management
For all countries and regions except Canada and United States
Bank Management Scheduled Instalments
Direct Debits and Refunds
For Canada
Canadian Payroll
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44 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
We recommend that you install each Microsoft Dynamics GP feature and additional
component that you are going to register on all client computers.
Adding or removing additional features
Use the installation wizard to add or remove features from your Microsoft
Dynamics GP installation. You also can use the Program Maintenance window,
opened from the Add or Remove Programs control panel, to add or remove
features. You should make a complete backup of your data before adding or
removing features. Removing a feature does not remove tables from the database.
Be sure to follow the instructions in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities windows
after installing a feature. Depending on the feature that you’re installing, you may
have to update tables and update your companies.
After you install a feature, be sure that the feature is at the current version. You can’t
log in to Microsoft Dynamics GP on a client computer if a product installed on the
client has different version information than the server. You can use the
GP_LoginErrors. file in your temporary directory to help resolve the version
information issue. The log file will contain the product name, along with the
dictionary version and the database version.
For Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, United
Kingdom, and Ireland
Enhanced Intrastat
For the United States and the Andean region
Check Amounts to Words
For the Andean region
Certificate of Retention – Ecuador Purchase Vouchers
COA Ecuador Single Account Plan
Inflation Adjustment – Financial Tax Administration – Purchasing
Inflation Adjustment – Inventory Tax Administration – Sales
Inflation Adjustment – Fixed Assets Tax Reports
For Chile
Localization Chile Monetary Corrections – Inventory
Monetary Corrections – Fixed Assets Shipping Documents
For Argentina
Check Printing Legal Documents
Collections and Payment Methods –
Credit Analysis Shipping Documents
Inflation Adjustments Tax Listing
Taxes On Returns
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 45
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To add or remove additional features:
1. Start the installation wizard. You can use either of the following methods.
• Insert the Release 10.0 DVD in the DVD drive of your computer. The main
Microsoft Dynamics GP installation window should appear. If the window
does not appear, browse the DVD and double-click the Setup.exe file. Click
Microsoft Dynamics GP. Select the existing instance of Microsoft Dynamics
GP in the Instance Selection window and click Next.
• Open the Add or Remove Programs control panel, and select Microsoft
Dynamics GP 10.0. Click Change to open the Program Maintenance
2. Click Add/Remove Features.
3. In the Select Features window, select the features to install or uninstall. When
you install a new feature, you won’t reinstall features that have been installed
When you click a button for a feature, a pop-up menu of options appears. Refer
to the table for more information about each option.
After you have specified the feature or features, click Next.
4. In the Install Program window, click Install.
5. The Installation Progress window appears, where you can view the status of the
6. In the Installation Complete window, click Exit.
Option What happens
Install this feature The selected feature will be installed on the local hard
disk. (This option installs the feature, but not the sub–
Install entire feature Will install the feature and all of its sub–features.
Do not install this feature Will not install the selected feature or sub–feature.
Select to uninstall a feature or sub–feature.
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7. Start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities. Choose Start >> All Programs >>
Microsoft Dynamics >> GP 10.0 >> GP Utilities.
To start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, you must have appropriate user privileges.
Typically, this means being part of the Administrators group or the Power Users group
on Windows XP. On Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, it means starting
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities with administrative privileges. For example, to start
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities from the shortcut on the Start menu, select and rightclick
GP Utilities, and then select Run as Administrator. Refer to your operating
system’s documentation for more information.
8. The Welcome To Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities window opens when you are
logged into the server you selected. Read the message and click Next.
9. Follow the instructions in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities windows.
Depending on the feature that you’re installing, you may have to update tables
and update your companies.
10. After the processing is finished, the Additional Tasks window will open, where
you can perform additional tasks, start Microsoft Dynamics GP, or exit the
Additional components
A smaller set of additional components are separate installations available on the
Microsoft Dynamics GP DVD. These additional components are listed on the main
Microsoft Dynamics GP installation window for DVD. For more information about
accessing this window, see Installing an additional component on page 47.
The following table lists the additional components.
Additional components Description
Analysis Cubes (SQL Server 2000) – Client Microsoft Dynamics GP client for arranging
PivotTable data, and Excel® PivotTable® creator
Analysis Cubes (SQL Server 2000) – Server Creates SQL tables, data warehouse and Analysis
Server cubes for data analysis in Excel.
Analysis Cubes (SQL Server 2005)–Client This option makes the Analysis Cubes for 2005
client installation wizard available.
Analysis Cubes (SQL Server 2005)–Server This option makes the Analysis Cubes for 2005
server setup and server configuration wizards
eConnect Runtime A document integration tool that enables high
volume, high speed programmatic integration to
and from applications and the Microsoft Dynamics
GP back office solution.
Human Resources and Payroll Suite The Human Resources and Payroll Suite consists of
four modules that provide additional capabilities
for an existing Microsoft Dynamics GP installation.
The modules are U.S. Payroll Extensions, PTO
Manager, Advanced Human Resources, and
Advanced Payroll.
Integration Manager Allows you to perform a one-time data conversion
from your existing system to Microsoft Dynamics
GP products, or to perform ongoing integrations
from other applications.
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There are some additional components that are released only on the
CustomerSource Web site (https://mbs.microsoft.com/customersource/support/
Installing an additional component
Use this procedure to install an additional component after you’ve installed
Microsoft Dynamics GP. Before installing additional components, you should make
a complete backup of your data.
Each additional component has its own installation instructions and documentation
that you can access before you install the component. After you review the
documentation you can install the component.
To install an additional component:
1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics GP DVD. The main Microsoft Dynamics GP
installation window should appear. If the window does not appear, browse the
DVD and double-click the Setup.exe file.
2. Click the additional component you want to install and then click View
3. After you review the documentation, install the component by clicking the
additional component you want to install and then clicking Install.
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
Installs the necessary code on the Microsoft Office
SharePoint® Server as well as creates a wizard to
enable deployment of data connections and Excel
reports to the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.
Personal Data Keeper Use to enter time and expense transactions online
and then synchronize with Project Accounting when
SQL Server Reporting Services Wizard Installs a wizard on the server that is used to deploy
SQL Reporting Services reports.
Web Services Management Tools Installs the Security Console and Exceptions
Management Console, which you can use to
administer security and exception information for
Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP. Install this
component if you want to manage Web Services
from a workstation separate from where the Web
Services Runtime is installed.
Web Services Runtime The runtime engine that adds a Web Services
interface to Microsoft Dynamics GP. Install this
component if you want to run integrations that
access Microsoft Dynamics GP data through Web
Services. Several prerequisites must be met before
you can install this component. Refer to the Web
Services Installation and Administration Guide for
more details.
Workflow Server components of the Workflow feature that
run within Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.
Workflow automates the business approval process
by routing documents or batches to one or more
individuals for approval. Microsoft Office
SharePoint Server must be installed before you can
install Workflow server components.
Additional components Description
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48 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
4. Depending on the component you installed, you may be instructed to restart
your computer.
5. When installation of the additional component is complete, you can either
install another component or close the main Microsoft Dynamics GP
installation window.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 49
Chapter 9: Creating a company
Use the instructions in this chapter to create a company if you didn’t create one
when you first used Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities. You must set up at least one
company before you can start Microsoft Dynamics GP. See your System Setup
instructions (Help >> Contents >> select Setting up the system) for information
about setting up users and companies in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Chart of accounts overview
• Adding a company using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities
Chart of accounts overview
Several default charts of accounts are included with your Microsoft Dynamics GP
system. You may want to use a default chart of accounts for the following reasons:
• The charts of accounts we’ve provided reflect sound accounting practices.
• Extensive research was done to determine the most commonly used account
types for the industries we’ve included.
• Even if changes need to be made after a default chart of accounts is copied for
the company, setup time will be greatly reduced by using a default chart.
Based on the business and industry types you choose for your company, you can
install the chart of accounts best tailored for your company’s business needs. For
instance, if your company is a retail corporation, select Corporation from the
Business Type list, as shown in the previous illustration, then select Retail from the
Industry Type list. Accounts specific to corporations, such as stock accounts, will
then be added to the chart of accounts specifically designed for retail industries.
If you use a default chart of accounts, you won’t be able to shorten the account format.
However, it can be lengthened to the maximum length you established in the Account
Definition Setup window of Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, earlier in the installation
process. Refer to the System Setup instructions (Help >> Contents >> select Setting up the
system) for more information about lengthening account formats.
To preview the default chart of accounts for various business and industry types,
review the Default Charts of Accounts for Microsoft Dynamics GP article (http://
The default chart of accounts you choose for your company in this procedure is
designed to be an accurate estimate of your company’s business practices.
However, we recommend that you review the accounts and make any necessary
additions or changes. You’ll be directed to the General Ledger documentation later
in the setup process, if you need to modify the accounts.
Adding a company using Microsoft Dynamics GP
Use Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities to create devices and companies for Microsoft
Dynamics GP. You must have at least one company set up before you can start
Microsoft Dynamics GP.
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When adding a company, you can select how to configure your company. You can
use wizards to migrate data from QuickBooks and enter basic configuration
options, or you can configure the company later using the Setup Checklist window
in Microsoft Dynamics GP. To use a tool to migrate or configure data, you must
download and install the Rapid Implementation Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP.
If you haven’t installed the Rapid Implementation Tools, click the Download and
install the wizards link in the Company Setup Options window.
Before you begin, be sure you have adequate space to add companies (including the
sample company) to your SQL database. Each company requires about 300MB of
free space.
To start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, you must have appropriate user privileges.
Typically, this means being part of the Administrators group or the Power Users group on
Windows XP. On Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, it means starting Microsoft
Dynamics GP with administrative privileges. For example, to start Microsoft Dynamics GP
Utilities from the shortcut on the Start menu, select and right-click GP Utilities, and then
select Run as Administrator. Refer to your operating system’s documentation for more
To add a company using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities:
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
(Start >> Programs >> Microsoft Dynamics >> GP 10.0 >> GP Utilities)
2. In the Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities window, verify your server
name, and enter a system administrator user ID and Password; then click Next.
3. In the Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities window, review the
information and click Next.
4. The Upgrade Microsoft Dynamics GP window opens, indicating that Microsoft
Dynamics GP is at the current version. Click Next to verify version information
for companies.
5. After companies are verified, the Additional Tasks window opens. Select Create
a company and then click Process.
6. The Create Company window opens, where you can enter a database/company
ID, and a company name. You also can select the following options.
• Mark to load shipping methods and payment terms.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 51
C H A P T E R 9 C R E A T I N G A C O M P A N Y
• Mark the Load Default Chart of Accounts option and click a business and
industry type. For more information about charts of accounts, see Chart of
accounts overview on page 49.
• Copy access from another company, except from the sample company,
Fabrikam, Inc.
If you choose to use wizards to migrate QuickBooks data and enter basic configuration
information in step 10, the shipping methods and payment terms and the chart of
accounts information you have loaded may change.
7. Click Next after entering and selecting company information.
8. The Database Setup window appears. Enter the location where the data and log
devices should be created. Click Next.
9. The Confirmation window appears. Confirm your selections. If the selections
are correct, click Finish.
The Server Installation Progress window appears, showing progress as devices
are created and tables loaded.
10. The Company Setup Options window appears, where you can select one of the
following options to configure your company.
• Mark the Set up the company later option to set up your company at
another time. When you are ready to set up data for your company, you can
use wizards to migrate data from QuickBooks and enter basic configuration
options, or you can configure the company using the Setup Checklist
window in Microsoft Dynamics GP
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52 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
• Mark the Set up the company using the configuration wizard option to use
the Rapid Configuration Tool for Microsoft Dynamics GP. The Rapid
Configuration Tool helps you enter the basic setup information required for
Microsoft Dynamics GP. With the Rapid Configuration Tool, you can start
with a standard industry configuration, modify the configuration data, and
then import the data into Microsoft Dynamics GP. Or, you can import a
configuration from a Microsoft Office 2007 Excel workbook prepared by a
Microsoft Dynamics GP partner or business consultant.
• Mark the Migrate existing data using the migration wizard option to use
the Rapid Migration Tool for Microsoft Dynamics GP. The Rapid Migration
Tool migrates QuickBooks data to Microsoft Dynamics GP. You can migrate
master records, transactions, and configuration settings such as payment
terms and shipping methods. Master records include customer records,
vendor records, item records, and account records. Transactions include
open payables transactions, open receivables transactions, open invoices
transactions, and purchase orders. You also can review and edit
information before you complete the migration.
To use a tool to migrate or configure data, you must download and install
the Rapid Implementation Tools for Microsoft Dynamics GP. If you haven’t
installed the Rapid Implementation Tools, click the Download and install
the wizards link.
11. Click Next. If you decided to configure your company later, the Additional
Tasks window reappears. You can click Create a company to set up a second
company, start Microsoft Dynamics GP, or Exit.
If you decided to migrate or configure your company data, the Rapid Migration
Tool or the Rapid Configuration Tool starts.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 53
Chapter 10: After installing on the server
Use the information in this chapter to log in to Microsoft Dynamics GP for the first
time and register Microsoft Dynamics GP. You also may have to grant user access to
alternate Microsoft Dynamics GP windows and reports.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Logging in to and quitting Microsoft Dynamics GP
• Registering Microsoft Dynamics GP
• Security for Microsoft Dynamics GP
Logging in to and quitting Microsoft Dynamics GP
If you have trouble starting Microsoft Dynamics GP, contact your network
To log in to Microsoft Dynamics GP:
1. Choose Start >> Programs >> Microsoft Dynamics >> GP 10.0 >> GP. The
Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP window appears.
2. Enter your user ID and password. Passwords are case-sensitive.
3. Click OK. The Company Login window appears.
4. Select a company and click OK. The Microsoft Dynamics GP main menu
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To switch to a different company while you are working in Microsoft Dynamics
GP, choose File >> User and Company.
To quit Microsoft Dynamics GP:
1. Save your work in the window you are working in.
2. Choose Microsoft Dynamics GP menu >> Exit.
Registering Microsoft Dynamics GP
By registering your software, we can provide you with better service. We can gather
information about additional needs you have and how Microsoft Dynamics GP can
be improved. Software registration also eliminates unauthorized use of the software
without imposing restrictive copy protection.
You can enter your site name and registration keys for Microsoft Dynamics GP in
the Registration window (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu >> Tools >> Setup >>
System >> Registration).
You must register Microsoft Dynamics GP before you can use it. Enter your site name and
registration keys exactly as they appear on your registration document. If you don’t register
a module before you begin to use it, you won’t be able to open any transaction entry window.
Modules in the sample company, Fabrikam, Inc., are registered and you can use the sample
company to practice procedures.
After you’ve registered Microsoft Dynamics GP, you won’t need to register
additional companies that you add. To verify that a module has been registered,
open the Microsoft Dynamics GP Options window (Help >> About Microsoft
Dynamics GP >> Options). Registered modules have a check mark in the Registered
Security for Microsoft Dynamics GP
The default security settings in Microsoft Dynamics GP allow all users access to
only the windows and forms in Microsoft Dynamics GP that are needed to log in to
the application. After setting up new user records, you should set access to
companies and set up security for new users. To learn more about setting up
security, refer to the System Setup Guide (Help >> Contents >> select Setting up the
Each time you install a new feature or component in Microsoft Dynamics GP, such
as Human Resources, you must set up security for that feature or component. For
example, if you have been using Microsoft Dynamics GP for a year and you just
installed Human Resources, you will need to set up access to Human Resources
before anyone can use it.
Refer to the Planning For Security document (C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Dynamics\GP\Documentation\SecurityPlanning.pdf) or to the System Setup
Guide (Help >> Contents >> select Setting up the System) for more information
about security.
56 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
Part 3: Microsoft Dynamics GP
client installation
This part contains information about installing Microsoft Dynamics GP on client
machines. It contains the following chapters:
• Chapter 11, “Creating an installation package,” contains instructions to create a
client installation package on a network share location.
• Chapter 12, “Installing Release 10.0 on clients,” provides instructions for
installing Microsoft Dynamics GP on a client and synchronizing the Microsoft
Dynamics GP dictionary on each additional client with your account
framework on the server.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 57
Chapter 11: Creating an installation package
Instead of physically going to each client computer to install Microsoft Dynamics
GP, you can use an installation package to install Microsoft Dynamics GP on
multiple client computers. An installation package stores the files required to install
a custom configured installation in a shared network location you set up. How
Microsoft Dynamics GP is installed on the client computer using the installation
package depends on the tools and applications you use.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Installation package overview
• Creating an installation package
Installation package overview
You can use a client installation package to install Microsoft Dynamics GP on
additional client computers without having to physically go to each client computer
and use the Microsoft Dynamics GP installation wizard. When you create an
installation package, the installation package stores the files required to install a
custom configured Microsoft Dynamics GP installation.
We recommend that you install the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Microsoft SQL
Server Native Client, Microsoft Application Error Reporting, and Dexterity Shared
Components on each client computer. You can install these components from the
Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 DVD. These components aren't installed for you if you
set up your installation package to install Microsoft Dynamics GP using the
GreatPlains.msi file. If these components are not installed on the client computer,
Microsoft Dynamics GP won't be installed. These components are installed for you
if you set up your installation package to install Microsoft Dynamics GPusing the
When creating the installation package, you’ll select the shared network location
where the installation package will be created, select Microsoft Dynamics GP
features, and enter a location where Microsoft Dynamics GP will be installed on
each client computer.
The installation package must be created in a shared network location that each
client computer has access to. The location where Microsoft Dynamics GP will be
installed must be a valid location for each client computer.
After the installation package is created, it can be run from the shared network
location to install the Microsoft Dynamics GP client without the user having to
make install decisions. A progress window shows how the process is progressing.
After Microsoft Dynamics GP is installed and the user on the client has started
Microsoft Dynamics GP, the user may have to include new code and use Microsoft
Dynamics GP Utilities to synchronize the account framework.
How Microsoft Dynamics GP is installed on the client computer using the
installation package depends on the tools and applications you use. You can send
an e-mail with a link to the installation package. The user can click the link to install
Microsoft Dynamics GP. Or, you can create a deployment package using a software
distribution tool such as Systems Management Server so that Microsoft Dynamics
GP is automatically installed after the user logs into his or her computer.
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58 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
Creating an installation package
You can use an installation package to install Microsoft Dynamics GP on your client
computers. An installation package contains all the information required to install
Microsoft Dynamics GP.
To create an installation package:
1. Create a shared network location or verify that the client computers have access
to a shared network location.
2. Insert the Release 10.0 DVD in the DVD drive of a computer. The main
Microsoft Dynamics GP installation window should appear. If the window does
not appear automatically, browse the DVD and double-click the Setup.exe file.
3. Click Create Installation Package.
4. In the Installation Location window, enter or select the folder where the
installation package will be created. It is recommended that you use an
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path or a mapped drive letter that is
common across all targeted machines. The network location must be accessible
from any machine that will have Microsoft Dynamics GP Release 10.0 installed
on it using the installation package.
Click Next.
5. In the Country/Region Selection window, select the primary country or region
where you do business. Click Next.
6. In the Select Features window, select the features to install.
When you click a button for a feature, a pop-up menu of options appears. Refer
to the table for more information about each option.
We recommend that you install each Microsoft Dynamics GP feature and
additional component that you are going to register on all client computers.
7. Specify the location on the client computer where you want the Microsoft
Dynamics GP files installed. If you don’t enter the location, the default location
is \Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP on the hard disk that has the
operating system installed.
Be sure that the location is a valid location for every computer on which the
installation package is used to install Microsoft Dynamics GP Release 10.0.
After you have specified the installation folder, click Next
Option What happens
Install this feature The selected feature will be installed on the local hard
disk. (This option installs the feature, but not sub–
Install entire feature Will install the feature and all of its sub–features.
Do not install this feature Will not install the selected feature or sub–features.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 59
C H A P T E R 1 1 C R E A T I N G A N I N S T A L L A T I O N P A C K A G E
8. To set up an ODBC data source, enter the name you assigned to the SQL Server
when you installed Microsoft SQL Server. A data source name called Dynamics
GP also is created using SQL Native Client. If you don’t want to set up an
ODBC data source, mark the Do not create a data source option.
Click Next.
9. Specify the location of the Reports dictionary and the Forms dictionary. The
location where dictionaries are must be a valid location for each client
computer. The locations are written to the Dex.ini file. Click Next.
10. Specify the location of the OLE Notes files and Letter Wizard files. Click Next
11. In the Install Program window, click Install.
12. The Installation Progress window appears, where you can view the status of the
13. In the Create Installation Package Complete window, click Finish.
The installation package is installed in the shared network location you
specified. The installation package stores the files, such as Great Plains.msi and
Setup.exe, required to install a custom configured Microsoft Dynamics GP
14. How Microsoft Dynamics GP is installed on the client computer using the
installation package depends on the tools and applications you use. You can
send an e-mail with a link to the installation package. Or, you can create a
deployment package using a software distribution tool such as Systems
Management Server so that Microsoft Dynamics GP is automatically installed
after the user logs into their computer.
For more information about deployment, see the Documentation Resources for
Microsoft Dynamics GP Release 10.0 Web site (http://go.microsoft.com/
60 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 61
Chapter 12: Installing Release 10.0 on clients
Use the information in this chapter to install Microsoft Dynamics GP Release 10.0.
on each client computer. You also use Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities to
synchronize the Microsoft Dynamics GP dictionary on each additional client with
your account framework on the server.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Installation overview
• Installing Microsoft Dynamics GP on a subsequent client
• Synchronizing a client’s account framework
• Multiple instances of Microsoft Dynamics GP
Installation overview
In a multiuser local area network environment, Microsoft Dynamics GP
applications are typically installed on a server, and then on each client. Each client
will have access to data stored on the server. You must install your company data on
the server first. Then, from any client, you’ll install client components using the
Microsoft Dynamics GP DVD or using a client installation package. For more about
creating an installation package for your clients, see Chapter 11, “Creating an
installation package.”
When you install Microsoft Dynamics GP, the Distributed Process Server (DPS) and
the Distributed Process Manager (DPM) are installed automatically. You can specify
which computers in your system are process servers, and which tasks will be
completed on those process servers. A process server is an application that allows
users to direct the processing such as posting or printing checks and maintenance
procedures to another computer on the network. The Distributed Process Manager
is the application that tracks activity on all clients and process servers. See your
System Administrator’s Guide (Help >> Contents >> select System administration)
for more information.
Installing Microsoft Dynamics GP on a subsequent
Use the information in this section to install a client in a multiuser system after
you’ve installed Microsoft Dynamics GP Release 10.0 on the server and created your
first company.
To install Microsoft Dynamics GP on a subsequent client:
1. Insert the Release 10.0 DVD in the DVD drive of a client computer (other than
the first one you installed on). The main Microsoft Dynamics GP installation
window should appear. If the window does not appear automatically, browse
the DVD and double-click the Setup.exe file.
2. Click Microsoft Dynamics GP.
The installation program verifies that your system has the minimum operating
system required to run Microsoft Dynamics GP. If your system does not meet
requirements, the installation will not continue.
3. Select a new Microsoft Dynamics GP instance and click Next.
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62 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
If you are installing Microsoft Dynamics GP on a computer with an existing
instance of Microsoft Dynamics GP, select Create a new instance and enter a
name for the new instance. See Multiple instances of Microsoft Dynamics GP on
page 64 for more information.
4. In the Select a Country/Region window, select the primary country or region
where you do business. Click Next.
5. Follow the instructions in the window to accept the software license agreement.
To install Microsoft Dynamics GP, you must accept this agreement.
6. In the Select Features window, select the features to install.
When you click a button for a feature, a pop-up menu of options appears. Refer
to the table for more information about each option
We recommend that you install each Microsoft Dynamics GP feature and
additional component that you are going to register on all client computers.
7. Specify the folder where you want the Microsoft Dynamics GP files installed.
The default folder is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP. To select a
different folder, click Browse.
After you have specified the installation folder, click Next.
8. To set up an ODBC data source, enter the name you assigned to the SQL Server
when you installed Microsoft SQL Server. A data source name called Dynamics
GP also is created using SQL Native Client. If you don’t want to set up an
ODBC data source, mark the Do not create a data source option.
Click Next.
9. In the Install Program window, click Install.
10. The Installation Progress window appears, where you can view the status of the
11. In the Installation Complete window, click Finish.
12. Before you start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, check for and install current
Microsoft Dynamics GP service pack for Release 10.0. See CustomerSource
(https://mbs.microsoft.com/customersource) for the latest service pack
Option What happens
Install this feature The selected feature will be installed on the local hard
disk. (This option installs the feature, but not sub
Install entire feature Will install the feature and all of its sub–features.
Do not install this feature Will not install the selected feature or sub–feature.
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 63
C H A P T E R 1 2 I N S T A L L I N G R E L E A S E 1 0 . 0 O N C L I E N T S
To start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, you must have appropriate user privileges.
Typically, this means being part of the Administrators group or the Power Users group
on Windows XP. On Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, it means starting
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities with administrative privileges. For example, to start
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities from the shortcut on the Start menu, select and rightclick
GP Utilities, and then select Run as Administrator. Refer to your operating
system’s documentation for more information.
13. Start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities. Choose Start >> All Programs >>
Microsoft Dynamics >> GP 10.0 >> GP Utilities.
14. Follow the instructions in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities windows to
synchronize your account framework. See Synchronizing a client’s account
framework on page 63 for more information.
15. After using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, you can install additional
component applications. See Chapter 8, “Installing additional components,” for
more information.
Synchronizing a client’s account framework
Synchronize the account framework of each client where you install Microsoft
Dynamics GP.
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities uses the scripts and files installed previously to
complete the client setup. In addition, you can use Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities
to complete various maintenance procedures, now and on an ongoing basis.
To start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, you must have appropriate user privileges.
Typically, this means being part of the Administrators group or the Power Users group on
Windows XP. On Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, it means starting Microsoft
Dynamics GP Utilities with administrative privileges. For example, to start Microsoft
Dynamics GP Utilities from the shortcut on the Start menu, select and right-click GP
Utilities, and then select Run as Administrator. Refer to your operating system’s
documentation for more information.
To synchronize a client’s account framework:
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
(Start >> Programs >> Microsoft Dynamics>> GP Release 10.0 >> GP Utilities)
2. In the Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities window, verify your server
name, and enter a user ID and password. Click Next.
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64 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
3. In the Welcome To Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities window, click Next.
The Microsoft Dynamics GP dictionary is synchronized automatically with
your account framework.
4. In the Additional Tasks window, you can choose to complete additional tasks,
launch Microsoft Dynamics GP, or end the installation. If you select any task,
choose Process; otherwise, click Exit.
5. Repeat the client installation process for each computer you’ll use as a client or
process server for Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Multiple instances of Microsoft Dynamics GP
You can have multiple instances—installations—of Microsoft Dynamics GP on the
same computer. Multiple instances are typically installed on client computers. You
may want to use an additional instance of Microsoft Dynamics GP for testing
When you install Microsoft Dynamics GP on a computer with an existing instance
of Microsoft Dynamics GP, you’ll enter a name for the new instance during the
installation process. Each instance will be displayed in the Add or Remove
Programs control panel. For example, if you entered TEST as an instance name,
Microsoft Dynamics GP (TEST) will be displayed in the Add or Remove Programs
control panel. The instance also will appear in the program group for Microsoft
Dynamics and in the folder where Microsoft Dynamics is installed. The default
folder location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\GP$TEST. The first
instance of Microsoft Dynamics GP on a computer is considered the default
instance. The default instance of Microsoft Dynamics GP isn’t assigned an instance
I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S 65
account framework
basic 24
custom 24
described 23
planning 24
sorting options 39
storage size 25
synchronizing a client 63
accounts, default chart of accounts 49
Acctfram.txt file 39
additional components
described 46
installing 47
additional tasks, Microsoft Dynamics GP
Utilities for the server 40
alternate reports, granting access 54
alternate windows, granting access 54
changes since last release, information
about 4
chart of accounts
default 49
modifying default 49
checklist, installation 7
client installations
adding components 47
adding Microsoft Dynamics GP
features 44
creating an installation package for 58
installing subsequent clients 61
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities 63
multiple instances 64
removing Microsoft Dynamics GP
features 44
collations, selecting 15
companies, creating 41, 49
CustomerSource, using to troubleshoot 8
default chart of accounts 49
Delete PJournal job, enabling 20
documentation, symbols and conventions
domains, described 13
Duinstall.log, creation 36
DYNSA user, entering a password 39
Fabrikam, Inc., required account
framework 24
help, displaying 3
Help menu, described 3
home page metrics, displaying 11
home pages, prerequisites 11
hostnames, name resolution 14
icons, used in manual 3
adding additional components 47
adding Microsoft Dynamics GP
features 44
additional tasks on a server 40
checklist for Microsoft SQL Server 7
checklist for Microsoft SQL Server
Express Edition 7
creating an installation package 58
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities 33
multiple instances 64
overview for clients 61
overview on the server 29
prerequisites 11
removing Microsoft Dynamics GP
features 44
server 29
subsequent clients 61
using custom settings 36
using default settings 34
installation packages
creating for clients 58
defined 57
overview 57
instances, Microsoft Dynamics GP 64
IP addresses, configuring 13
L lesson users, creating 40
lessons, accessing 4
logging in to Microsoft Dynamics GP 53
lookup window, displaying 4
Microsoft Dynamics GP features
adding 44
described 43
removing 44
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities
additional tasks on a server 40
advanced installation 36
basic installation 34
client installation 63
custom settings for advanced
installation 34
default settings for basic installation
server installation 33
setting up Microsoft Dynamics GP
with custom settings 36
setting up Microsoft Dynamics GP
with default settings 34
starting with Windows Server 2008 31
starting with Windows Vista 31
Microsoft SQL Server
installing SQL Server 2005 16-19
Network Attached Storage 15
network protocols 13
selecting a collation 15
Microsoft SQL Server (continued)
sorting options 16
SQL Server Agent 20
Storage Area Network 15
troubleshooting 9
Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition
installing 19-20
Network Attached Storage 15
Storage Area Network 15
name resolution, TCP/IP 14
network, domains 13
network protocols, optimizing 13
new features, information about 4
Orientation training, accessing 4
ping, testing TCP/IP connectivity 14
for home pages 11
for installation 11
product support, before you call 9
Readme file, reviewing 8
registering Microsoft Dynamics GP, after
installation 54
remote access, system requirements 12
required fields, described 4
resources, documentation 3
sample company data, adding 40
sample users, creating 40
alternate reports 54
alternate windows 54
sorting options 39
storage size 25
server installation
adding components 47
adding Microsoft Dynamics GP
features 44
additional tasks 40
installing Microsoft Dynamics GP 29
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities 33
removing Microsoft Dynamics GP
features 44
sorting options
described 16
for account segments 39
SQL Server, see Microsoft SQL Server
storage sizes, account framework 25
support, before you call 9
symbols, used in manual 3
66 I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S
configuring 13
name resolution 14
testing connectivity 14
technical support, before you call 9
additional resources 8
before you call support 9
tutorial, accessing 4
what’s new, accessing 4